
新加坡全国武术总会致力于提高本地武术界的水平,每年都举办武术教练训练班鉴定武术教练资格。 在本地,欲成为一名合格教练必须通过全国教练 鉴定课程( National Coaching Accreditation Programme)。该鉴定课程共分两个部分理论(NCAP Theory) 和专门/技术(NCAP Technical)。由新加坡体育理事 会开办的理论课程内容包括基本的教学与训练原则·运动科学· 专门/技术课程由个别体育总会开办。 武总的武术教练训练班,学员主要学习武术发展理论、套路内容`武术教学等知识,学费为$350欲进一步了解全国教练鉴定课程,请参阅全国体育理事会的网站,了解目前的教练制度: National Coaching Accreditation Programme (http://www.coachinq.com.sq)。



National Instructors & Coaches Association (NICA) was formed by the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) to be the collective voice to support freelance coaches and instructors from sports, outdoor learning and adventure, visual and performing arts, fitness and wellness, and enrichment, to strengthen skills, standards and opportunities.

In supporting NICA members with skills deepening programmes such as the courses offer by Singapore Wushu Dragon & Lion Dance Federation, NICA members enjoy lower course fees through the Union Training Assistance Programme (UTAP) which provides 50% subsidy of the balance unfunded course fee, up to $250 per calendar year. Till 31 December 2025, NICA members aged 40 years and above will enjoy higher funding support up to $500 per calendar year, capped at 50% of unfunded course fee.

If you wish to be part of a bigger voice for coaches and instructors, please sign up to be a NICA member at: www.ntuc.co/nica (Note: to indicate ‘NICA’ under the field for Company Name)

Find out more about NICA at: www.nica.org.sg or www.facebook.com/nicasingapore or www.instagram.com/nica_singapore.