Dragon and Lion Dance
To improve and unify the standards of the Dragon and Lion Dance instructors in Singapore, and to meet the required standards set by Singapore Sports Council, “Dragon and Lion Dance Instructor Accreditation Committee” was set up in March 2004 to study and research the means and standards of giving accreditations to Dragon and Lion Dance Instructors. The task was faced with numerous difficulties. The committee has to undergo the task of setting a standard for examining and approving different factions and branches of Dragon and Lion Dance arts. At the same time, to train our instructors to have due decorum and ethics, understand standards of coaching and types of equipment, competition rules and regulations, be informed of local Dragon and Lion Dance historical development, and sports medicine and science. The task was finally accomplished half a year later after multiple meetings to finalize the standards and the syllabus.
This course is now available for the training of more outstanding athletes to become qualified coaches to play a part in contributing to the development of Dragon and Lion Dance in Singapore.
Click Here for course details