31st SEA Games Flag Presentation

The 31st Southeast Asian Games (or SEA Games) will be held from 12 to 23 May 2022 in Hanoi, Vietnam. The Wushu Competitions will be held from 11 to 16 May 2022.
On Sat, 30 April 2022, Singapore Wushu Dragon and Lion Dance Federation organised a Flag Presentation Ceremony at Singapore Sports School for our Team Singapore (Wushu) athletes going to the 31st SEA Games. The Team comprises a Team Leader, two coaches, three Judges and eight athletes. Our President, Sec Gen and CEO will also attend the meeting of the Wushu Federation of ASEAN – China which will be held during the SEA Games period.
The event commenced with a mock competition (final of the three) for the eight athletes to help them accustom to competition atmospheres as they were accessed by a panel of judges with national and international accreditations and before fellow athletes, parents, MC members and guests who were present not only to lend support but to also create pressure for them as six of whom are debutants at SEA Games. Under critical assessment / advice of judges, these athletes have shown marked improvement over the three mock competitions and we thank these judges for their excellent jobs.
In his address, President Mr Ang Mong Seng thanks the Singapore Sports School for providing the Hall for our athletes to train since March 2022 and allowing us to use it for the three mock competitions and the Flag presentation. He also thanks all those who have helped and assisted the Team Singapore (Wushu) in one way or another in their preparation for the SEA Games. Mr Ang shared that no goal has been set for Wushu athletes taking part in this SEA Games but hopes that these athletes, especially the six on their debut, do their best and enjoy the process of the competition, learn from it, and produce better results in future competitions. However, he hopes that these athletes achieve better results than the one golds and two silvers won in the last SEA Games held in Manila, Philippines.
Mr Ang informed that Wushu has become an official sport of the Youth Olympic Games (YOG). The next YOG will be held in Dakar, Senegal in 2026. With four years to go, he hopes to see more young athletes coming forward and strive hard to take part in the YOG and win glory for Singapore. Mr Ang also announced that Singapore has won the hosting rights to the 2026 World Taijiquan Championships, and hopes to get strong support from all when the time comes.
We wish our Team Singapore (Wushu) athletes a successful outing to the 31st SEA Games and fly our Singapore fly high.

The 31st Southeast Asian Games (or SEA Games) will be held from 12 to 23 May 2022 in Hanoi, Vietnam. The Wushu…

Posted by Singapore Wushu Dragon & Lion Dance Federation on Friday, May 6, 2022