Message by President Ang on 31st SEA Games’ Success

Message by SWDLDF President
on the 31st Southeast Asian Games Wushu Competitions
Dear All,
The 31st Southeast Asian Games Wushu Competitions held in Hanoi, Vietnam have come to an end after rounds and rounds of fierce contests. Team Singapore Wushu athletes had done Singapore proud by winning a total of 6 medals – two Golds, three Silvers and one Bronze and surpassed the achievements of previous away SEA Games competitions; as well as improved its ranking to No. 3 among the Southeast Asian countries, just after Games host Vietnam and Indonesia.
These achievements are mainly the outcome of our athletes’ tremendous efforts put in their trainings and rehearsals, as the saying “No pain, no gain!”. They have worked very hard quietly to train and train; to perfect every segment; and achieved today’s results.
My thanks to Minister Edwin Tong and Minister of State Low Yen Ling for their congratulatory calls to medal-winning athletes and encouragement to all athletes. Thanks to Speaker of Parliament Mr Tan Chuan Jin and SNOC Chairman; and Parl Sec Mr Eric Chua for their presence at the competition site to lend support to our athletes. Mr Eric Chua was also present on the third day of competition and was invited to present the Games mascot and bouquet of flower to medal-winning athletes. He also chit chatted with all Team members and parents and posed for photograph with them.
Thanks to our Management Committee (MC) for its support and encouragement; and MC Chairman Mr Kelvin Lim PBM for leading the Welcome Party, comprising Members of our MC, parents and members of the public who have come to the airport to welcome us back.
I would like to specially thank our Wushu Sub-com Chairman, Mr Lukas Cheng for taking up this arduous position of Team Leader which comes with very heavy responsibilities. Under his meticulous planning and guidance on training, and together with the assistance of the Judges’ panel, the athletes underwent rigorous training, venue adaptation and mock competitions to make preparation for the expedition, including psychological wellness of athletes. I also thank parents of athletes for their full support and encouragement to their children, which had definitely strengthened their confidence and courage.
I would like to pay special tribute to all participating athletes for their high level and outstanding performance, which won the applause of the audience and the praise of the Judges. I urge medal-winning athletes to continue to train hard and prepare for future competitions and strive for better results. Non-medal winning athletes should not be discouraged but to train harder and strive for better results in future competitions and win glory for Singapore.
Let’s keep up the good work and strive for better results in future!
Thank you.
Ang Mong Seng BBM,
Singapore Wushu Dragon & Lion Dance Federation