
Wushu, made up of a system of fighting techniques, is a very dynamic sports and it requires a lot of strength, flexibility, endurance, and coordination. It takes the form of both routine exercises and free sparring.

Regular exercise with wushu can improve health, and it also has good effects in developing such physical qualities as strength, agility and flexibility. A Wushu practitioner benefits not only in terms of health building, but also in terms of gaining mastery of a system of attacking and defending techniques, which can be employed effectively for self-defence. With the emphasis on decorum and ethics, Wushu helps cultivate one’s moral character, and through practicing wushu, one’s temperament is better moulded. Having high aesthetic values, Wushu performances also bring much enjoyment to people.

Wushu is divided into two major categories: Traditional and Competition. The Traditional Wushu is the foundation for the development of the Competition Wushu. Traditional Wushu and the Competition Wushu can be regarded as two separate entities in Wushu, both have differences but yet mutually similar.

Competition Wushu was created with outstanding movements as the main focus. Looking from a broader view of Competition Wushu, it can be divided further into two categories: Compulsory routine movements and Sanshou.